Brief release from with the latest news about the war in Ukraine.
Early in the morning of February 24, 2022, Russia launched missile strikes on the territory of Ukraine and launched a direct full-scale invasion.
Short issue with the latest news about the war in Ukraine today.

Рано вранці 24 лютого 2022 року Росія завдала ракетних ударів по території України й розпочала пряме повномасштабне вторгнення.
Короткий випуск з останніми новинами про війну в Україні на сьогодні.

Рано утром 24 февраля 2022 года Россия нанесла множество ракетных ударов в Украине и начала прямое полное вторжение.
Короткий выпуск с последними новостями о войне в Украине сегодня.

The occupiers have stormed the Azovstal metal plant. Two civilian women were killed as a result of the intense bombing.
Mariupol defenders confirm that Russian invaders have launched an assault on the Azovstal plant.

This information was affirmed by the deputy commander of the Azov Regiment.

Before the assault, the occupiers had bombed the plant for several hours. A large-scale fire broke out, and the deaths of two civilian women were reported.

About a week ago, the Russians dropped a bomb on a shelter that served as a military hospital, with wounded inside. As a result, over 600 people were injured at that time.
Russian break though to Azovstal.
On May 4, after massive strikes on the Azovstal plant, russian troops managed to break through to the steel plant premises.

A heavy fighting is currently under way on the premises. The connection with the Ukrainian soldiers is lost.

 The defenders of Ukraine gathered in Azovstal plant. They include the soldiers of Azov Regiment, Ukrainian Marines, Border Guards, and the National Guard. There are civilians escaping from bombs and shellings in the plant dungeons.

 However, at night of May 3, the situation only deteriorated. Occupiers shelled facilities with all types of weaponry and dumped heavy bombs.
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